Alexander Forbes Integrated Annual Report 2017

Strive for excellence across service, operational and technology enablement

achieved in progress not achieved

Ambition 2022 Performance against ambition
Build excellence across operations and administration through technological enablement and process excellence This is a new strategy. The operations and technology division will achieve this strategy by establishing and tracking the AF Operational Index. The index measures the group’s average cost of administering a member across all institutional and retail products and services per annum. The index has been baselined as at 31 March 2017 and will be managed to target a growth rate that is commensurate with group revenue growth and inflation, thus contributing to overall operational group leverage.
Actions Progress 2017 progress 2018 plans Ambition 2022 Risks
Digital enablement through mobile and web releases, search engine management and search engine optimisation, social media strategy and USSD roll-out
  • Accenture have completed their work on the digital architecture with the internal team and are now scoping implementation of the board-approved digital strategy
  • Enhance the stability of the digital IT environment
  • Single digital entry point
  • Single digital identity
  • Digital UX redesign
  • Enterprise core capabilities and future digital operating model
  • To continue delivering the digital strategy to the group as planned, where mobile and web are seen as an enterprise asset to orchestrate various underlying capabilities, applications and architecture into a unified interface for Alexander Forbes’s clients, aligned to our group client value proposition
  • Digitally enabled business with full digital delivery capability
  • Internal risks: resource allocation, budget planning and skills set shortage
  • External risks: natural and political disasters, major macroeconomic shifts
Group-wide modernisation programme:
  • Establish a group enterprise programme management office (EPMO)
  • Define the future business and enterprise architecture, and finalise future state
  • Set in place group data programme
  • Establish an enterprise change management capability
  • A contract with Sapiens has been concluded to provide new line of business systems, digital enablement, enterprise data and business intelligence services over the next 36 months according to a detailed scope of work and programme
  • The EPMO is fully established to deliver group-wide project execution, prioritisation and governance
  • The enterprise architecture centre of excellence has been established to architect group-wide blueprints (target states) and road maps (plans to get from current state to target state) that support the realisation of the Alexander Forbes strategic pillars while increasing enterprise agility
  • Immediate focus is to define a group data strategy supported by an effective data governance programme to enable the organisation to harness the data asset, drive better decision-making and sharing data across the group whilst ensuring data quality and integrity are maintained. The journey will include implementing policies, standards and a group data model required to manage our data as a strategic asset
  • The next few years will offer Alexander Forbes an exciting opportunity to digitally enable our organisation and bring in ‘best-in-class’ capabilities to help us achieve our strategic objectives. The modernisation team will be key in enabling and executing this change across all the business units
  • New enterprise-wide technology platform delivering the Alexander Forbes client value proposition complete with single view of client and all regulatory enablement
  • Internal risks: resource allocation, budget planning and skills set shortage
  • External risks: natural and political disasters, major macroeconomic shifts
Working with strategic partners:
  • Assessing all support and operational services within the group and defining a future insourced vs outsourced model
  • Reviewing all outsourced services arrangements
  • Work identifying all such services and outsource providers is under way, with future work on building business cases around each service or opportunity to either in- or outsource
  • A review of vendor partners and ongoing vendor management in the IT division has commenced
  • Reorganising certain functions within the group will create positive operating leverage, which will deliver greater shareholder value
  • Enhanced efficiency through utilising partners that can offer greater cost and scalability advantages than performing services in-house. Insourcing of key services (currently outsourced) that are critical to control as part of the Alexander Forbes client value proposition and risk management framework
  • Regulatory constraints prevent commercially viable insourced or outsource arrangements
Profitably grow the member base:
  • Create capacity in administration and support services to profitably grow both organically and inorganically
  • Support client pillars in new business acquisition
  • Specifically target a range of pre-identified large clients in the admin-only space
  • The institutional and retail administration areas have been reorganised around specific product sets and functions
  • Group-wide support around managing operational risk, system support and operational finance has been finalised. This creates clear accountability and allows capacity to be brought on seamlessly to support growth initiatives
  • Partnerships and acquisitions are being looked at in conjunction with various group initiatives
  • A pipeline of targeted new business is being developed with a specific segment and with a client value proposition that will enhance chances of success as opposed to competing in open tender processes where price is largely the determinant
  • Grow the total member base at market or above market growth rates across all segments profitably
  • Macro conditions inhibit long-term formal sector employment growth
  • Delivery of the modernisation programme fails to provide scalab