Alexander Forbes Integrated Annual Report 2017

Grow institutional financial services and asset management capability

achieved in progress not achieved

Ambition 2022 Performance against ambition
Grow institutional operating income (7% – 9% p.a.) to match or exceed market growth (7%)
Actions Progress 2017 progress 2018 plans Ambition 2022 Risks
Aggressively grow umbrella as anchor institutional revenue driver
  • Launch of our InFund Preservation and annuity umbrella solution in October 2016
  • Launch of our group retirement annuity solution in February 2017
  • Over 50 new clients joined our umbrella funds
  • Drive new business through the restructuring of the new business approach and redefining the principles of team measurement
  • Roll out the group value proposition to umbrella fund clients
  • Retailise the umbrella fund core
  • Refine the market approach with a plan to increase participation in the SME sector
  • Develop mid-term road map for migration of unified Alexander Forbes Retirement Fund/ core offering to open architecture
  • Increased market share
  • External risks: political changes and macroeconomic economy
  • Internal risks: staff retention, which is being mitigated by restraint programmes
Get ‘back in the boardroom’ and improve cross-sell to end consumers
  • Launch of various employer solutions to meet the needs identified through interaction with the boardroom including AFRIS (Alexander Forbes Retirement Income Solutions) and financial well-being value proposition
  • Increase the number of boardroom engagements
  • Assign strategic relationship partners to key institutional clients
  • Extend our group value proposition to a broader customer base
  • Greater integration with the retail division and retail solutions
  • More boardroom touchpoints and solutions
  • External risks: political changes and macroeconomic economy
  • Internal risks: staff retention which is being mitigated by restraint programmes
Improve operational efficiency in administration and address standalone retirement fund profitability issues
  • Implement process enhancements in respect of contributions
  • Aggressive roll-out of Alexander Forbes online to employers linked to retirement funds for the submission of electronic claims
  • Streamline the claims process to more effectively reduce turnaround times and number of claims through a centralised time
  • Continued analysis of client profitability
  • Operational efficiency enhancements in line with the Sapiens project
  • Execute plans for unprofitable clients taking into account end-to-end pricing
  • Extend our administration platform and value proposition to self-administered retirement funds
  • Efficiencies achieved via Sapiens environment with corrected pricing
  • Internal risk: delivery of Sapiens solution
  • Client acceptance of revised offering and pricing
Expand our other institutional products and services
  • Launch of AFRIS in April 2017. AFRIS is our institutional living annuity solution available to standalone retirement fund clients
  • Launch of the death benefit consulting solution to retirement funds and employers
  • Expand the Africa employee benefit solutions to South African companies operating in Africa
  • Launch of beneficiary fund administration services to complement our existing beneficiary fund consulting services
  • Roll-out of our solutions to our clients and the markets
  • Introduce strategic relationship management for key institutional clients
  • Roll out the group value proposition to standalone retirement fund clients
  • Expand beneficiary fund offerings to the market
  • Diversification of employee benefit consulting and administration services
  • External risks: political changes and macroeconomic economy
  • Internal risks: staff retention which is being mitigated by restraint programmes
Leverage the traditional core to optimise asset capture from pension fund business
  • Identify clients and allocate strategic resources to support clients in developing the appropriate solution to meet their unique requirements and to facilitate the conversion of those assets
  • Embed the approach and ensure scale for execution of the strategy
  • Require differentiated contribution (DC) advice model, i.e. Managed DC
  • Evolve AF Investments’ investment philosophy and value proposition
  • Increased assets under management and advisement
  • Perceived independence concerns of customers
Expand to focus on external pension fund assets and external non-pension fund assets
  • Identify clients who would be a match to the value proposition
  • Strengthened strategic relationships with external consulting houses
  • Collaborate with Mercer on opportunities within the long-term insurance sector
  • Launch revised investments value proposition in line with our restructured operating model
  • Build capacity for liaising with external consulting houses
  • Enhance direct sales capability
  • Identify and develop plans to approach clients on our solutions
  • Build capability through our advisory to develop bespoke solutions for long-term insurers in conjunction with Mercer
  • Increased assets under management and advisement
  • Bandwidth across existing sales force
  • Failure to attract suitable long-term insurance actuarial skills
Expand alternatives and passives offering
  • Manage range of existing passive offerings
  • Investigate partnerships for offering alternatives
  • Collaborate with Mercer on global alternatives for South African clients and local alternatives for global clients
  • Review alternatives and passives offering, their design and purpose, in line with our revised investment value proposition
  • Seek partnerships or acquisition opportunities to accelerate development
  • Roll out our offering to our clients and the market
  • Build capability through our advisory to develop specialist alternatives capability (best-practice framework)
  • Increased assets under management and advisement
  • Limited alternative offering opportunity
  • Ability to find deal flow in private markets space
  • Potential to erode margins through passive-only offering

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